In life, every once in awhile we need to shake things up. Life can become too routine, mundane and predictable. Sometimes we need to knock down the old in order to bring on the new. A thunderstorm always brings a crispness to the air. Big change.
When the air surrounding a lightning bolt rapidly expands, the air heats and compresses 10 to 100 times the natural atmospheric pressure. This compressed air will then explode outward from the center forming a shock wave of compressed particles in every direction. This shock produces the loud rumble of thunder.
A solid line represents pure yang, the creative essence. This pure essence wants to express itself on a lower level of vibration, so it splits in two. Even though the line is broken, it still has the seed of pure essence. The thunder Trigram consists of a broken, yin line on top, a broken yin line in the middle, and a solid yang line at the bottom. The two top double yin lines represent receptivity and acts as a descending path to the solid, essence, yang, bottom line. This creates a spark. The creative energy is aroused and ascends unimpeded. If you deeply ponder this Trigram, you observe a vertical, receptive, alignment. By being receptive to the heavenly force, we ignite something deep within our core…the thunder in our life, and then powerfully project our creation upward and horizontally outward. In all stages of self development we need the dynamic force of thunder.
The word disease means not at ease. Anxiety seems to be getting worse in modern society. Long term anxiety leads to depression. Everyone seems overwhelmed, and the overuse of technology is not helping. Many of my patients report that they feel much less anxious when the are immersed in their work or service activity. When we align with our work-service, we sync with our soulful, creative purpose. We become at ease.
In life, we don’t always make the best decisions. In fact, in many ways, life is one big mistake. With all our flaws, we are still unique in our own little way. When we awaken our inner gift, and do something in life that we truly love, we build character and come as close as possible to being perfect human beings.
There is much talk today about posture. Gravity is always pushing us down so we consciously try to align our structure to withstand it. Yoga, Tai Chi, dance and most exercise emphasize being graceful and upright. Consciously and sub-consciously we strive to align spiritually. We do this by our sitting meditation or being quietly receptive to our natural surroundings. Deeply, the mode of consciousness reflected in the Thunder Trigram is transformation. We transform first by receptive alignment and then like a lighting bolt hitting our crown, we awaken with clear vision to a new vibratory rhythm and give birth a new spiritual identity or simply the essence of who we truly are. This sets in motion our inner sculptor. We then we chip away our old outdated beliefs and negative thought forms until we transform our frame of mind to the present truth or simply what makes sense in this day and age. Destruction is the foundation of life and letting go is a very difficult process. We break down in order to build a better vehicle for our journey. The driving fuel in our life becomes our creative essence.
So, if you are have a conflict, decision, or simply hit a crossroad in your life, and the Thunder Trigram appears in your mind’s eye – quiet down and feel the receptive alignment so you can spark an idea or plan, break out of your inertia and make things happen! Chip away the rock of negativity and awaken the simplistic beauty of the real you, transform deeply and dynamically from your heart, and ignite the creative force of Thunder so you can find a purpose in life bigger than yourself.